How to Withdraw NSFAS Money At Shoprite

By | July 19, 2023

How to Withdraw NSFAS Money at Shoprite

For students receiving financial aid through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in South Africa, accessing the funds is an important step in managing their educational expenses. One convenient option for withdrawing NSFAS money is through Shoprite, a popular retail chain in the country. In this article, we will guide you on how to withdraw NSFAS money at Shoprite.

  1. Activate Your NSFAS Wallet: Before you can withdraw your NSFAS money at Shoprite, you need to activate your NSFAS wallet. This can be done by dialing 134176# from the cellphone number you registered with NSFAS. Follow the prompts and provide the necessary information to activate your wallet.
  2. Obtain a Voucher: Once your NSFAS wallet is activated, you will need to obtain a voucher to withdraw the funds at Shoprite. To do this, dial 134176# and select the “Get Voucher” option. You will be provided with a voucher code that you can use for the withdrawal.
  3. Visit Shoprite Money Market Counter: Go to a Shoprite store that has a Money Market Counter. Inform the cashier that you would like to make a withdrawal from your NSFAS wallet. Present the voucher code you obtained earlier and your identification document for verification purposes.
  4. Cash Withdrawal: The cashier at the Shoprite Money Market Counter will process your transaction. They will enter the voucher code and the amount you wish to withdraw. Once the transaction is confirmed, you will receive the cash equivalent of the withdrawal amount.
  5. Keep the Receipt: After the transaction is completed, make sure to collect your receipt as proof of the withdrawal. The receipt will include details such as the withdrawal amount, the remaining balance in your NSFAS wallet, and the transaction reference number. It is important to keep this receipt for record-keeping purposes.

It is worth noting that there may be certain limitations on the withdrawal amount and frequency imposed by NSFAS. It is advisable to check the terms and conditions associated with your NSFAS funds and any specific guidelines provided by NSFAS regarding withdrawals.

In conclusion, withdrawing NSFAS money at Shoprite can be a convenient option for students. Activate your NSFAS wallet, obtain a voucher, visit a Shoprite store with a Money Market Counter, present your voucher code and identification document, and complete the cash withdrawal transaction. Keep the receipt as proof of the withdrawal. By following these steps, you can access your NSFAS funds and effectively manage your educational expenses.

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