How to Change My NSFAS Email Address

By | July 30, 2023

Changing your NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme) email address is a straightforward process that allows you to receive important communications and updates regarding your financial aid. If you need to update your email address for any reason, follow these simple steps to ensure that you continue to stay informed about your NSFAS account.

  1. Log in to Your NSFAS Account: Start by logging in to your NSFAS account on the official NSFAS website ( using your current email address and password.
  2. Go to Profile Settings: Once you are logged in, navigate to the “Profile” or “Profile Settings” section of your account. Look for an option that allows you to edit your personal information.
  3. Update Your Email Address: In the profile settings, locate the field that displays your current email address. Delete the existing email address and enter the new email address you wish to use.
  4. Verify the New Email Address: After entering the new email address, NSFAS may require you to verify it to ensure it belongs to you. Check your new email inbox for a verification email from NSFAS and click on the verification link provided.
  5. Save Changes: Once you have verified the new email address, click on the “Save” or “Update” button in your NSFAS account to apply the changes. Your new email address is now updated in your NSFAS profile.
  6. Check for Confirmation: After saving the changes, check your new email address for any confirmation emails from NSFAS. This will ensure that the email address change was successful.

By following these steps, you can easily change your NSFAS email address and ensure that you receive all essential communications related to your financial aid. It’s essential to keep your email address updated in your NSFAS account to stay informed about important deadlines, application status, and any changes to your financial aid package. If you encounter any issues during the email address change process, you can contact NSFAS directly for further assistance.

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